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University of Louisville Course Info

Louisville, Kentucky


Course Info

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PHST 302

Intermediate Statistical Analysis

This course is an intermediate level applied statistics course covering key aspects of data exploration, visualization, and traditional topics in statistical inference, this course will utilize the statisical package SPSS, with a focus on understanding how to use and interpret SPSS output. This course is intended to give students familiarity with statistical tools used to analyze data in a variety of disciples - including economics, marketing, management, education, sociology, psychology, neuroscience, biology, mathematics, physics, environmental science, engineering, computer science, finance, health services administration, and public health - to be better prepared to pose relevant statistical questions, apply appropriate statistical techniques, and effectively interpret and communicate results

Units: 3.0

PAS 408 - Research Methods in Pan-African Studies - WR
PSYC 301 - Statistics for Psychology
SOC 301 - Introduction to Social Statistics
MATH 109 - Elementary Statistics - QR
PHST 301 - Quantitative Methods in Public Health