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We Understand the Power of Degree Plans

PREPLER increases your chances of degree completion by clarifying degree requirements and course sequencing
New Students


Explore colleges based on your degree and career goals.


Know what is required to earn your degree well before entering college.

New & Existing Students

Degree Plan

Create a personalized study road map helping you stick to the right path to your degree.

Boost Graduation

College graduation rate is below 60%. Increase your chances of graduating on-time and with less student debt.

Graduation Curve

Our passion is helping students graduate college on time

Not understanding degree requirements and course sequencing, taking unnecessary courses, unawareness of alternatives (or easier courses) that satisfy the same requirement, lack of advising... All these things add time and money to the overall cost of degree completion.

Imagine clearly seeing the steps you should take in advance - before registration, or before applying to college, before you start veering off course, wasting precious time and accumulating crippling student debt.

Degree Plans

Better student outcomes are all about making better informed decisions

Per National Center for Education Statistics: the college graduation rate in the US is below 60%. Most students, who begin seeking a bachelor’s degree at a 4-year granting institution, receive it in 6 years or more.

If you’re in college already and feel like it’s taking too long to graduate or if you would like to verify your existing degree plan - use Prepler AI to automatically calculate the shortest study path to your degree. See if you can improve or beat the chances of graduating on-time.

We are a close-knit team. We genuinely care about making college easier!

Our mission is to help students better understand their degree requirements by equipping them with personalized degree plans that increase on time graduation.