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University of Louisville Course Info

Louisville, Kentucky


Course Info

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MUS 561


Offered under the various subtitles/sections: (01) Piano Literature I: A survey of piano repertoire from the Baroque and Classical Eras. (02) Band Literature: A survey of literature for wind and percussion instruments in large ensemble combinations focusing upon material for the standard instrumentation of the concert band. Emphasis will be given to dramatic change in the repertoire from 1950 to the present, particularly the implications for instrumental music education. Course work will include both artistic and practical considerations with study of works by Hindemith, Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Persichetti, Gould, and Ives. (03) Organ Literature: A comprehensive study in the field of organ literature from Schlich to Hindemith. No performance required. (05) Vocal Literature: A survey of vocal literature from the 18th century to the present day, with emphasis on standard repertorie. Program analysis and program building

Units: 2.0

MUS 361 - Music Literature I (1000-1750)