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University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus Course Info

Denver, Colorado

 10 reviews


Course Info

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ARTS 1000

Arts In Our Time

Multidisciplinary course designed to introduce students to the ways in which arts work and how the arts shape our perception of the world around us. Each student selects three four-week modules designed to examine each of the disciplines of fine arts, music and theatre, in the context of the creative process, audience perception and historical perspective. Every five weeks, students from each of the modules join forces in a week of Inter-arts sessions lectures and discussions about the relationship of the arts to each other and to our contemporary culture. Topics which are addressed in the modules include such things as American musical theatre, perception of jazz, public sculpture, light as art, sonic explorations, photography, history of production design, women in American music and censorship.

Units: 3.0

Hours: 3 to 3