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Northern Illinois University Course Info

Dekalb, Illinois


Course Info

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Third Clinical Secondary School Experience in History/Social Sciences

Crosslisted as ECON 401X, GEOG 401X, HIST 401, POLS 401X, PSYC 401X, and SOCI 401X. Discipline-based clinical experiences for prospective secondary teachers in history and social sciences. Observations, evaluation, and practicum on methods and problems in teaching in the discipline. Includes a minimum of 40 clock hours of supervised and formally evaluated experiences in the particular setting likely for the student teaching experience. S/U grading

Units: 1.0-2.0(2.0)

SOCI 496X - History and Social Science Instruction for Secondary and Middle Grades Educators
PSYC 496X - History and Social Science Instruction for Secondary and Middle Grades Educators
POLS 496X - History and Social Science Instruction for Secondary and Middle Grades Educators
HIST 496 - History and Social Science Instruction for Secondary and Middle Grades Educators
GEOG 496X - History and Social Science Instruction for Secondary and Middle Grades Educators
ECON 496X - History and Social Science Instruction for Secondary and Middle Grades Educators
ANTH 496X - History and Social Science Instruction for Secondary and Middle Grades Educators