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California State University-Sacramento Course Info

Sacramento, California


Course Info

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Composition Tutorial

Offers supplemental instruction in elements of composition and assists students in mastering the writing process with special emphasis on planning and revising essays. Instruction takes place both in traditional classroom setting and in small group and individual tutorials. Students enrolled in this tutorial must also be coenrolled in a first-year composition course as the focus will be drafting and revising the work done in the primary writing course.

Units: 1.0

ENGL 011M - Academic Literacies II-Multilingual
ENGL 011 - Academic Literacies II
ENGL 010M - Academic Literacies I - Multilingual
ENGL 010 - Academic Literacies I
ENGL 005M - Accelerated Academic Literacies - Multilingual
ENGL 005 - Accelerated Academic Literacies