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Baldwin Wallace University Course Info

Berea, Ohio


Course Info

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FRN 202

Intermediate French II

Notes: Required of all French majors French 202 is a continuation of the second-year experience in the language. FRN 201 or at least 3-4 year high experience is required to enter the class. Students who get permission from the instructor to enter the 202 level without taking 201 will be asked to acquire the textbook used in the 201 level and review the chapters covered in that class (contact instructor for more information). Students need to understand that entering a 202 level requires a good understanding of spoken French as well as the ability to write and express oneself in the language. Students entering this specific level will join a group of their peers who have used and reviewed the language at the 201 level with exercises in conversation, reading, listening and writing skills. French 202 reviews and improves the use of subjunctive, conditional and future tenses. Complex sentences, questions and prepositions use are also part of the curriculum

Units: 4.0

FRN 201 - Intermediate French I